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Laurel-Jones County Library Hometown Genealogy

Hello and welcome to the Laurel Jones County Library HomeTown Genealogy Blog! My name is Susan Blakeney, and I am the Genealogist for the Laurel-Jones County Library System in Laurel, MS. I have served as the genealogist for 21 years.

I want to tell you a little about our Genealogy Library. We currently house over 4,500 genealogy research books, family files & family books. We have three public internet access computers with access to,, and other research sites.

Our Genealogy Library also has two top-of-the-line microfilm readers/printers. Our microfilm collection includes Jones County MS area newspapers, select editions, from 1900 up to March 2012; the United States Federal Census Records for Jones County MS beginning in 1830 and ending in 1940 on microfilm; and Internet access to all United States Census Records that are currently released; and select marriage records on microfilm for Jones County MS, including the Ellisville district as well as the Laurel district.

The Genealogy Library hours of operation differ from those of the library: Wednesdays 1-4:30, Thursdays 9-4:30(closed 11:45-1) & Fridays 9-4:43 (closed 11:45-1). Saturdays are by appointment only, & the appointment must be made at least one week in advance.

Please get in touch with me if you need help with your genealogy research. 1) Email: 2) Telephone: 601-428-4313, ext. 111 (voice mail is available) 3) Chat on this blog 4) Library website

I look forward to researching with you!

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Researching Marriage Records

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Jones County MS

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Susan Blakeney

Genealogy Hours
Wednesday 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (closed 11:45 am - 1:00 pm)
Friday 9:00 am - 4:30 pm (closed 11:45 am - 1:00 pm)
Saturday is by appointment only. Appointments must be made one week in advance. Email

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