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DNA Testing


Are you interested in testing your DNA? There are literally hundreds of places to purchase a testing kit. I personally used the testing kit from

A family historian can use three types of DNA tests to their advantage.

  1. Autosomal DNA - also known as atDNA

  2. Mitochondrial DNA - also known as mtDNA

  3. Y-chromosomal DNA - also known as Y-DNA

(There is also an X-chromosomal, also known as X-DNA, but there are limited testing companies for this test.)

The basic process for testing is the same for all tests mentioned above.

  • Purchase a DNA kit

  • Collect a sample (usually by spitting in a tube or swabbing your cheek)

  • Return the kit by mail to the testing company

  • Receive and review your results - this could take up to 10 weeks

Anyone can take an Autosomal DNA test. This test usually gives DNA results for the past five or six generations. - This test examines 22 autosomal chromosomes and generates your DNA in two primary forms: ethnicity estimates and DNA matches. Since you earn DNA from both your mother and father, you will learn information about ancestors on both sides of the family.

Anyone can take a Mitochondrial DNA test. This test will give strict maternal lines only. It will give your mother, her mother, her mother, and so on. - This test examines 23 pairs of chromosomes in the nucleus of each cell that is passed from mother to child. mtDNA changes very little from generation to generation.

Only genetic males can take the Y-chromosomal DNA test. This test will give strict male lines only. It will give your father, his father, his father, and so on. - this test examines 22 pairs of autosomes. The pattern from this test is especially useful to genealogists since, many times, the surname is passed down strictly paternal lines. A woman wanting to gain information from her paternal line must find an eligible male relative, such as a brother or paternal uncle if her father cannot be tested.

If you have not yet had your DNA tested, I strongly urge you to do so. I have over 3,000 matches to my DNA. I am enjoying sorting through the matches and meeting new family members.

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