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Staying Focused While You Research


I recently read an article, Six Tips for Staying Focused While You Research, by Lisa A. Alzo.

While researching, it is so easy to get distracted, I speak from experience here!

Ms. Alzo gave these six strategies for fighting off distractions;

  1. Have a plan

  2. Read the directions

  3. Get in the research zone

  4. Tune out the noise

  5. Set a timer

  6. Record your progress

While these are all great research tips, I always encounter a problem!

Take tip 1, for example. Yes, I have a plan - can I stick to it? No. I run off in so many directions and completely get away from my plan. I see a hint leaf or clue on a person, and off I go!

Tip 2 - Oh, those directions. How often have you had something in your kitchen you are cooking from a package and have had to take said package out of the garbage more than once to reread the instruction? My hand is raised here! Before you begin researching a site or page, check it out carefully.

Tip 3 - The research zone - the one thing I need to practice is LOG OUT OF SOCIAL MEDIA WHEN RESEARCHING!

Tip 4 - Tune out the noise - yes, I can do this. I have been known to get snarky a time or two when I am interrupted at home researching an ancestor. I get so lost in the research aspect that I can forget it is time to log off and get to bed before 3 a.m., especially when I have to work the next day.

Tip 5 - Set a time - this has never worked for me - but I try! Once you have your research mojo going, you don't want to stop. I usually reset the time and keep on going.

Tip 6 - Record your progress - I am diligent on this one. I always keep some type of research calendar or notes as to who I am researching, where I have researched, and what my next research step should be.

I hope some of these tips help you in your research. I am always looking for ways to improve my own research. If you have any tips or favorite ways to search, please share them with us.

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