Did you know the year 1830 was the first year a Federal Census was compiled for Jones County, MS? Jones County was founded in 1826 from portions of Covington and Wayne Counties.
As of 1830, there were 212 families listed on the census record. As with any other records, this could contain errors and omissions. I transcribed the record into an index as best I could. There are only names for the head of household. Family names are not listed on census records until 1850.
The census records can be found on many genealogy websites and on microfilm here in the genealogy library.
Using federal census records helps you trace your family's movements every 10 years. The Mississippi Department of Archives and History has state census records you can view online for the years 1837, 1841, 1845, 1853, and 1880. Follow this link, https://da.mdah.ms.gov/series/sos/100/jones
Below is my transcription of the 1830 United States Federal Census Record for Jones County, MS.