What is social media? It is simply a website or other online service that connects you with other people. There are many types of connections you can make using social
1. Connect by sharing your content with others.
2. Connect by collaborating with other researchers and distant
family members.
3. Connect by learning from others.
4. Connect with organizations in your research area.
We all know keeping in touch online is much quicker and cheaper than using letters and phone calls. Social media can give you an instant platform to reach out to other researchers and help you reach your genealogical goals faster.
Social media researching has led me to a large amount of relatives I never knew about. For instance, one of my paternal uncles had a family we knew nothing about. Imagine my surprise when he contacted me because our DNA matched as first cousins.
I have joined as many Mississippi genealogy research sites as I possibly can, as well as out of state. Louisiana, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas and Texas to name a few. My maternal side of Honea, Luttrell, Campbell and Ingram seems to have meandered through Tennessee before settling in Texas.
Our youngest son and I actually went to a Luttrell Cemetery in Hardeman County Tennessee when he was in school at Oxford. Oh how I wanted to take off back through those woods and find those markers. Two things, actually three things, stopped me. One it was deer season and I had no hunter orange to wear, two it was flooded and I was told I would need an ATV to get to the cemetery and third, my son told me I was NOT going back there in those conditions. Maybe I can talk my husband into going with me one of these days.
Log on to your Facebook account and type in genealogy research in the search field. You will find literally thousands of research groups. Instagram is another social media site you may consider using. I've never used Twitter, or X as it is called now. I never had much luck with it.
Please watch for our Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday closings in upcoming posts. There will be no Saturday appointments taken during the holiday season.

Contact our genealogy library at 601-428-4313, ext. 111 to leave a message, or email geneal@laurel.lib.ms.us for assistance and at our website at www.laurel.lib.ms.us. Look for us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/ljclsystem/ for further information and updates.